"Refuse to fall down.
If you cannot refuse to fall down, refuse to stay down. If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven and like a hungry beggar, ask that it be filled and it will be filled.
You may be pushed down. You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart to heaven--only you.
It is in the middle of misery that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good came of this, is not yet listening."
Clarisse Pinkola Estes

For Tuesday

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cynthiaa Needs Your Prayers

Today Cynthiaa buries her baby boy. A boy that she carried for nine months. A son that she was ready to hold and love. Just two weeks before her due date she learned that he went to be with the Lord.

Please visit Cynthiaa's blog and offer her your prayers. No mother can ever imagine the pain she is enduring at this time.

Cynthiaa - My heart aches with your heart. May God hold you tight in his arms and may you be comforted in knowing that the same arms that are holding you up are the arms that are cradling your sweet baby Aiden Bug. He is so beautiful. I am so sorry.

Little Aiden is only a breath away. He will always hear you and be embraced with your love. Always.

Lord God I pray that you pour your grace onto Cynthiaa today. I pray that she is surrounded by family and friends that can help to hold her up during this most difficult time. I pray that she finds peace with Aiden's passing and that her eyes are opened to Aiden's everlasting life in your arms, Dear Lord. I pray she is blessed with many dreams of her beautiful son's smile and she will find comfort in knowing little Bug, sweet Aiden is in your arms holding her heart dear and near to his. We only have a short time here in this lifetime, Lord and when we lose someone we cherish it is so hard to understand why. Life is so much more difficult trying to go on without that person. I take comfort in knowing that this life here on this earth is just a blink in time and I will be reunited with my loved ones when you take me, Dear Lord. There will be no meaning of time and I will spend my forever with all the ones my arms just reach for. So I will keep reaching towards them and to You, my Lord until we all can be together again. Please reach out your comforting arms to Cynthiaa today.

With ALL my heart, I pray.



  1. Oh how sad. I am so sorry to read this.
    Will certainly say some prayers for this family and their horrible loss.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about her loss....God gives challenges to those he loves...it's not what we go through but how we go through it that defines us as a person....I pray that her faith will help her heal....and I know Aiden is a beautiful little angel in heaven....so sad...another Welcomista stopping by to say howdy....


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